Hier sollte eine Beschreibung angezeigt werden, diese Seite lässt dies jedoch nicht zu. Our Global Brand Database provides easy access to over million records from multiple international and national sources, including marks registered through WIPO ’s Madrid System. Use the database to search for trademarks , appellations of origin and official emblems.
WIPO has facilitated the access to these databases with a view to the prevention of domain name disputes. The goal is to allow any person wishing to register a domain name in the gTLDs or ccTLDs to perform a trademark search , using this site, in the existing on-line trademark databases. Free trademark search tool in the WIPO. If your trademark is available, our attorneys will file and process your trademark registration before the World Intellectual.
This patent search tool allows you not only to search the PCT database of about million International Applications but also the worldwide patent collections. Your search will help uncover trademarks that may be similar or identical to yours. Before filing a trade mark application, you can carry out a search to find out to the fullest extent possible, if your proposed trade mark does not infringe earlier rights. Follow the status of your international application or trademark registration, access detailed information on all trademarks registered through the Madrid System, and keep an eye on competitors’ marks. Should you encounter technical difficulties with Contact Madri please use this alternative contact method.

The WIPO Global Brand Database makes it possible to search for already protected trademarks registered under the Madrid system of designations of origin – under the Lisbon system – and also trademarks protected under the Paris Convention. Several national trademark collections are also include but all registered trademarks are not covered by the WIPO database. Search our trademark database (TESS) What to expect. Include other sources in your clearance search.
There may be trademarks that are not in our database that have rights over yours. Searching is only one part of a thorough clearance search. Check other sources, such as state trademark databases and the internet. Please enable JavaScript to view the page content. To help us improve GOV.
UK, we’d like to know more about your visit today. We’ll send you a link to a feedback form. It will take only minutes to fill in. One of the first things you will do when creating a new business or product is to give it a name. If you cannot tick the verification box, please ensure you are using Chrome, Firefox or Safari.
In Internet Explorer the box may not function correctly. Find out how to get in touch with WIPO and get the latest news on exhibitions and opportunities to visit WIPO HQ. Under Article of this Convention, WIPO seeks to promote the protection of intellectual property throughout the world. EU trademarks International registrations ( WIPO ) National registrations Administrative revocation and invalidation procedure When can a trademark be revoked or invalidated? To narrow down your , use smart search and the query expansion function or search within.
Use the Sort feature to reorder your. Trade Mark Case Search. Refer to Help for difficult patent terms. TMsearch is a service tool that provides trademark search , watch and management in China.
Search database for trademark registration and application by name, owner, number and the nice classes can be completed in a few simple clicks, with immediate.
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