Generic linux distributions. PostgreSQL is available integrated with the package management on most Linux platforms. This tutorial explains how to install postgresql in linux step by step and how to install postgresql using source code. When available, this is the recommended way to install PostgreSQL, since it provides proper integration with the operating system, including automatic patching and other management functionality.

So let’s go ahead and install the same using below command. This will install the PostgreSQL client, which can happily connect to earlier versions of PostgreSQL. For RHEL, the package manager is yum.
In this guide, we will demonstrate how to install Postgres on an Ubuntu 16. VPS instance and go over some basic ways to use it. Stackbuilder includes management, integration, migration, replication, geospatial, connectors and other tools. Ubuntu’s default repositories contain Postgres packages, so we can install these easily using the apt packaging system. Simple question, but no resources found about this.
Is there any way to install only a PostgreSQL client, the terminal-based one, psql , on a CentOSsystem, without. PostgreSQL ist für Linux , aber auch für alle anderen, gängigen Betriebssysteme wie MacOS, Windows und BSD verfügbar. Earlier we have written an article on setup Postgresql 9.