Remove the existing PLPGSQL function that implements drop _ chunks , replacing it with a direct call to the C function, which also implements the old PLPGSQL checks in C. Because chunks are individual. Chunks can be managed (resize droppe etc) from the command line. Dropping chunks to purge old data is much more efficient than the usual alternatives.
I think we cannot just use set_chunk_time_interval, because it will not affect the current chunk: so when a new month-chunk has just started when the data-rate is increase this chunk would get huge and only the newer chunks would be right-sized. So what is the best way to deal with this case? Anyone else using timescaledb with postgres? When I look at timescaledb maintenance, typically the drop _ chunks function would be used to reclaim disk space. However, drop _ chunks requires TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMPTZ, or DATE column types.
It also uses planner hooks to take advantage of the specific nature of the inserted data (sorted by time…). In the data retention benchmark below: Chunks are sized to. You will then see a list of chunks with their statuses: compression status and how much space is taken up by uncompressed and compressed data in bytes. If you don’t have the need to store data for a long period of time, you can delete out-of-date data to free up even more space.
There is a special drop _ chunks function for this. These partitions are disjoint (non-overlapping), which helps the query planner to minimize the set of chunks it must touch to resolve a query. TimescaleDB , the open-source time-series database. This command enables automated data retention policies, again using our background-worker framework.
Then, there are data retention policies. In TSDB you can just issue drop _ chunks () command which figures what chunks must be deleted for a given time range. If you need to remove a specific range of values from native PG partitions you need to calculate range-to-names relationships yourself. Here’s an example, where we drop chunks containing data older than a specific date.
An open-source time-series SQL database optimized for fast ingest and complex queries. Hypertable name from which to drop chunks. If not supplie all hypertables are affected.
Schema name of the hypertable from which to drop chunks. Boolean on whether to CASCADE the drop on chunks , therefore removing dependent objects on chunks to be removed. Meanwhile, PostgreSQL takes on the order of minutes to. PS:直接源码编译的 timescaledb 的license为社区版,无法使用add_ drop _ chunks _policy等功能.
So all writes to recent time intervals are only to tables that remain in memory, and updating any secondary indexes is also fast as a result. This enables simple cron or pg_agent events to maintain the desired retention. Did you change your housekeeping parameters to accomodate this behaviour as described in the manual? Packaged as a PostgreSQL extension. I can see a benefit in case of problem storm ( can happen ) - so you can easily drop chunks from problem storm - definitelly loosing some problem but making zabbix working again.
FROM timescaledb _information. The latter also enabled us to drop chunks of them based on the timestamp column without doing resource intensive batched delete statements. The author selected the Computer History Museum to receive a donation as part of the Write for DOnations program.

Introduction Many applications, such as monitoring.
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