Um alle Funktionen dieser Website nutzen zu können, muss JavaScript aktiviert sein. DISTINCT can be used with aggregates: COUNT , AVG, MAX, etc. I was updating an Access application the other day and needed to get a distinct count of some records in an Access table.
COUNT returns the number of rows returned by the query. The order_by_clause and windowing_clause are not allowed. Your data variable should be of type I as the COUNT is of type I. You can also check the contents directly from SY-DBCNT. If it is dumping, what is the message you are getting in the log? If you have a main table where the field is a primary key, you could do a join with it.
But I guess thats not the case for the PackingSlipI so you have to use a. How to count distinct records in MS Access. Hello, We are in 10g. Per month, I think I found it out. Count Distinct Values in Excel. You can extract the distinct values from a list using the Advanced Filter dialog box and use the ROWS function to count the unique values.

To count the distinct values from the previous example: Select the range of cells A1:A11. Ich hoffe jetzt wird es klarer, was ich eigentlich bezwecken möchte. Weiß jemand ob das in Access möglich ist, so langsam bezweifel ich das.
Ich könnte mir einfach aushelfen indem ich zwei Abfragen generiere aber. The function is applied to the set of values derived from the argument values by the elimination of null values. The result is the number of nonnull values in the set, including duplicates. This query selects each distinct product_key value and then counts the number of distinct date_key values for all records with the specific product_key value.
Dies ist in SQL sehr einfach. It also counts the number of distinct warehouse_key values in all records with the specific product_key value. Der erste Schnipsel liefert einen Wert in count zurück.
Der zweite Schnipsel liefert zurück, obwohl kein eintrag unter spaltenname ein X hat. Der dritte Schnipsel liefert wieder die korrekte zurück. Hat jemand von euch eine Idee, warum der 2te Select eine zurück gibt? SHOPNAME FROM OLAPFACTS O INNER JOIN OLAP_DATE OD ON O. See the locations table in the sample database.

Zur Info hier der ungefähre Datenaufbau und das g. SELECT COUNT (feldname) FROM view-name“ bzw. Lösung für Access Die Funktion Distinctcount erstellt anscheinend einen SQL-String, mit dem Access nicht umgehen kann. This last option eliminates the Compute Scalar and extra sort.
While there might be even better options out there for accomplishing the same task, at this point I’m pretty happy with how this will perform. COUNT (ALL expression) evaluates the expression and returns the number of non-null items in a group, including duplicate values.
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