If general mysql logging is enabled then we can check the queries in the log file or table based what we have mentioned in the config. Check what is enabled with the following command. SQL command to display history of queries. Set slow_ query_log _file to specify the name of the log file. If a log file already is open, it is closed and the new file is opened.
First option will turn on query log , second is path to the file where log will be saved.
This assumes that the general query log itself is enabled. Passwords in statements written to the general query log are rewritten by the server not to occur literally in plain text. This option may be useful for diagnostic purposes.
Enable logs at runtime. Either one will log all queries to log _file_name. By default, queries that take seconds or longer are considered slow, you can change this by setting long_ query _time to the number of seconds a query must take to execute before being logged. You would have to do the same in your app.
Das Slow Query Log zeigt SQL- Queries an, die länger als einen bestimmte Dauer zu Abarbeitung benötigten.